Five unidentified Bridgewater Normal School students,
sitting on porch stairs, ca. 1890–1896
["Normal school" was the old term for "teachers college"]
Group of female Normal School students in park, ca. 1890–1896
[the two young ladies sitting down in center look like more than just friends]
Group of men and women standing and sitting outside a commercial
or factory building, Bridgewater, Massachusetts, ca. 1880–1895
Group of Normal School students who sat at the dining table headed by
faculty member Emily C. Fisher, seated on the right of the bench, ca. 1890–1896
Miss Abbott's table. Group of 12 unidentified Normal School at Bridgewater students.
The students are posed by the campus pond in Boyden Park, ca. 1890–1896
Normal School students who sat at the dining table headed by Flora Stuart. The students
are posed in the campus park. Stuart is sitting furthest to the right, ca. 1892–1894
Source: Digital Commonwealth