Photographer and newspaperman Frank Hohenberger spent forty-seven years recording the life, customs, and scenes of the hills of Brown County, Indiana, with side trips and hired assignments in other areas of Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Mexico. Thousands of images taken from 1904-1948 of landscapes, buildings, and people testify to Hohenberger's belief, recorded in his diary, that "pictures speak the only language all mankind can understand."
Alex Mullis just drove up at Fox meet supper, Brown County, Indiana, 1929
Bean dinner, Washington, Indiana, 1931
Bloemker daughter at Brown's, Stone Head, Indiana, 1929
Brown boy on log near Stone Head, Indiana, 1927
Car wreck foot of hill, intersection 252-135 roads, 1941
Chitwood orchestra on wagon, 1934
Cloud, Snider, Kennedy, Skinner group, 1931
Daisy Followell and child, Elkinsville, Indiana, 1927
Dogs after groundhog on Fleischer place, 1935
Ellen Petro smoking pipe
Frank Hardin and family, Brown County, Indiana, 1931
Girl feeding turkey, Jackson, Indiana, 1926
Girls in a friendly tussle at Deckard school, 1933
Gnaw Bone Boys' Camp group, 1955
Grandma Barnes, Blossom festival, 1929