The Frank and Frances Carpenter Collection consists of photographs produced and gathered by Frank G. Carpenter (1855-1924) and his daughter Frances (1890-1972) to illustrate his writings on travel and world geography. Carpenter's works helped popularize cultural anthropology and geography in the early years of the twentieth century.
The ones in this set are of scenes from Japan. They form a nice complement to the previous sets of Japan because these include some intimate household scenes.
Drying fish, Japan, 1890-1923
Family meal, Japan, 1890-1923
Japanese bedroom with thick quilt [probably a futon] used as a bed, and a piece of wood padded with paper used as a pillow to keep the women's hair from becoming mussed, 1890-1923
Japanese house with sliding walls, 1890-1923
Kitchen of a Japanese house, 1890-1923
Peasant wearing raincoat of straw, Japan, ca. 1880s
Tea house in a woodland, Itsuku-Shima, Japan, 1890-1923
Three children at tea party, Japan, 1890-1923
Three children drawing on panels, Japan, 1909
Woman placing seaweed, which is an important item
of the Japanese diet, on rack to dry, Japan, 1890-1923