Cerro Muriano, Córdoba front, 5 September 1936
Children in Barcelona pretending to be a firing squad
at the dawn of the Spanish Civil War, ca. 1936
[I am told by commenter Michel Simon that this photo
was actually taken by Catalan photographer Agustin Centelles]
[I am told by commenter Michel Simon that this photo
was actually taken by Catalan photographer Agustin Centelles]
Children playing in the snow, Hankou, China, March 1938
French female collaborationist shaved, 1945
Gerda Taro and soldier, Spain, 1936
[Gerda Taro was another photojournalist, and the personal and professional
companion of Capa. She was the first female photojournalist to die on the job.]
Montblanc, Barcelona, Spain, October 25, 1938
On the road from Namdinh to Thaibinh, Indochina. May 25th, 1954. A French military
convoy on its way north towards Doai Tan. In the foreground, a rice field
Outside the stock exchange, Paris, France, 1937
Pablo Picasso and Françoise Gilot, 1948
Picasso on the beach in Provence, France, with his son Claude
and his partner Françoise Gilot, 1948
Republican militia members, Barcelona, 1936
Running for shelter during the air raids. Bilbao, Spain, May 1937
Young girl at a refugee transit centre, Barcelona, 1939