More of Fenno Jacobs' photos of Southington, Connecticut.
School children in Southington, Connecticut performing the Bellamy salute in May 1942
[This extremely creepy form of patriotic display was abandoned in favor
of the right hand on the heart salute sometime in 1942, when people
realized that the Bellamy salute was a lot like the Nazi salute]
Southington, Connecticut. A bridge party, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. A group of children, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. A group of women rolling bandages
and preparing surgical dressings, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. A highlight in the town's life
is the annual girls' glee club recital, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. At Beecher Street School, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. At Beecher Street School, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. At Beecher Street School, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. At Beecher Street School, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. At Beecher Street School, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. At Beecher Street School, May 1942
[interesting to have a bw and color shot of virtually the same scene]