These photos of nurses in training were taken by Fritz Henle for the War Information Office, in 1942.
Nurse training. Fresh from college, twenty-year-old Susan Petty of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, arrives at the School of Nursing residence in New York City, which will be her home until she becomes an Army or Navy nurse. Because of her college degree, Susan will be required to spend only twenty-seven months here instead of the customary three years.
Nurse training. "Occupational therapy" for the very young. Convalescence in children, as in adults, is hastened by the encouragement of interest in normal activities.
Nurse training. A convalescing youngster gets lunch with a smile from a student nurse.
Nurse training. A graduate nurse (right) watches student Susan Petty prepare a hypodermic for a patient. Strict adherence to doctors' orders is something every probationer must learn.
Nurse training. A moment's pause in a full day, as graduate
student nurses relax in the living room of the nurse's home.
Nurse training. A nurse and the physical therapist negotiate something of a
dispute over a picture book between two young patients in an orthopedic hospital.
Nurse training. A nurse's aide and a student attend a convalescing patient.
Nurse training. A student nurse (right) instructs a patient in the method
of measuring her own insulin dose as a supervisor observes.
Nurse training. Care of infants is included in all nurses training. This youngster is about to get an eye irrigation. Note that nurse wears goggles for self-protection from possible infection.
Nurse training. Given an hour's rest between rounds, Susan Petty, student nurse, is visited by her fellow nurses in her small but comfortable room in the School of Nursing resident hall.