Desert agriculture. Brushed chili field. Replanting chili plants
on a Japanese-owned ranch. Imperial Valley, California, Feb 1937
Families are left stranded without means of support when the lumber mill "cuts out." This family lives on a cut-over area. The mill has closed, and the father does WPA (Work Projects Administration) work. Near Kiln, Mississippi, July 1937
Grandmother from Oklahoma and her pieced quilt. California, Kern County, Feb 1936
Halloween party at Shafter migrant camp, California, 1938
Home in "Little Oklahoma," a community that has grown
out of migrant potato and cotton workers. California, February 1936
Large-scale, mechanized farming. The potato planter operated by a crew of three men, makes the rows, fertilizes and plants potatoes in one operation. Kern County, California, February 1939
Madera County, family from near Dallas, Texas. Rent is five dollars a month. "There's no future here. I've been following the work (migratory labor) but there's no chance for a fellow to get a holt hisself in this country. The last job I had is tractor driving for thirty-five cents an hour. Had that job for five months until a Filipino comes along for twenty-five cents an hour. I was raised on a cotton farm my father owned a little place back there and I'm plumb willing to leave this country for good before I get too old, If I could get the chance to farm." February 1939
Migrant family from Arkansas playing hill-billy songs. Farm Security Administration emergency migratory camp. Calipatria, California, February 1939
Mother of migrant family sewing. Near Vale,
Malheur County, Oregon, October 1939