At 7 a.m. on June 21, 1942, the day before stricter gas rationing was enforced,
cars were pouring into this gas station on upper Wisconsin Avenue
New York. Janet and Marie Wynn (lower left), Czech-American children,
climbing on monkey bars in Central Park playground, 1942
New York. Mall fountain in Central Park on Sunday, 1942
New York. Manicurist at Francois de Paris, a hairdresser on Eighth Street, 1942
New York. O'Reilly's bar on Third Avenue in the Fifties, 1942
New York. O'Reilly's bar on Third Avenue in the Fifties, 1942
New York. The mall restaurant in Central Park on Sunday, 1942
New York. Train gate at the Pennsylvania railroad station, 1942
New York. Waiting for trains at the Pennsylvania railroad station, 1942
New York. Waiting room at the Pennsylvania railroad station, 1942
Residents of one of Washington's best residential sections
apply for sugar ration cards at Adams School, 1942