Siler City, North Carolina. Wagons pulled up in field
one block away from the main street. July 1939
Sorghum mill near New Carthage, Mississippi, August 1938
Striking cotton pickers talk it over. The strike is failing. Kern County, California. "I don't care - Let them throw me in jail. There's somebody will take my place" November 1938
Texas tenant farmer to migrant pea picker in California. "I never have wrote back home and told my folks we live in a tent. I've wrote that we're well, and such as that, but I never have wrote that we live in a tent." March 1937
The older brother teaches the younger on a farm
in the Piedmont, North Carolina, 1936
Tobacco sharecropper's daughter getting eggs from hen's nest in the henhouse. Enclosure for the pig is just beyond under the pine trees. Person County, North Carolina, July 1939
Tom Collins, manager of Kern migrant camp, with
drought refugee family. California, November 1936