New York, New York. Blowing horns on
Bleeker Street on New Year's Day, January 1943
New York, New York. Class in Public School Eight on King Street, discussing a book entitled "We love America," brought to school by one of the pupils. January 1943
New York, New York. Class in Public School Eight on King Street, discussing a book entitled "We love America," brought to school by one of the pupils. January 1943
New York, New York. Customers in a grocery store on Mulberry Street.
Italian, Jewish and Chinese people live in this neighborhood. January 1943
New York, New York. Dr. and Mrs. Winn [or Wynn], Janet and Marie, a Czech-American family, playing Chinese checkers while their grandmother knits. October 1942
New York, New York. Gypsy woman who is habitue of Marconi's Restaurant on Mulberry Street. She dropped in for a bite to eat New Year's Eve, and did a spontaneous dance. November 1942
New York, New York. New Year's Eve in Marconi's Restaurant on Mulberry Street.
This Gypsy woman is a habitue of the place. November 1942