Channel: History in Photos
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George Frederick Kaye

This fellow is rapidly becoming one of my favorites. He seems to have covered every aspect of the soldiering life on the frontlines, as well as that of the civilians caught in the middle.

 'Action stations' on anti aircraft gun as enemy aircraft 
approach the Cassino Front, Italy, 15 March 1944
 A bren carrier under maintenance during a rest period in 
an Italian village behind the front line, 6 January 1944
 A group of New Zealand and Greek troops watch the antics of a Greek canine mascot in the forward of the front near Rimini, Italy, 21 September 1944
 A group of New Zealand soldiers on the Cassino battlefront in Italy, during World War II. Probably reconstruction for photographers behind the line. 5 April 1944
 A New Zealand 25 pounder firing at night near Sora, Italy, 1 June 1944
 A New Zealand anti aircraft gun on the outskirts of Riccione in Italy, 21 September 1944
 A New Zealand Divisional Artillery gun crew rests during one of the lulls 
in the firing on the Cassino Front in Italy, 17 May 1944
 A young woman of Sora, Italy, gives a bunch of flowers to 
New Zealand soldiers after the town's capture, 3 June 1944
 Action stations on a NZ anti aircraft gun on the Italian Front, 16 December 1943
An Italian peasant gathering a wheat harvest beside a wrecked 
German vehicle near Sora in Italy, 11 June 1944
Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Cabinet Cards

 Florence St John, English actress, London
 James and Herbert Bond, Vevay, Indiana, ca. 1889
 Joe and Ann Schweitzer, Canton, Ohio, 1889
 Man on bicycle, Lincoln, Nebraska
 Mother and children, Pullman, Illinois
 Woman with long hair, Brigham City, Utah
 Workman, The Dalles, Oregon
 Young couple, Mendota, Illinois
 Young Hungarians, Oravicza, ca. 1900
Young siblings, St. Louis, Missouri

Steffano Webb

Steffano Webb was a New Zealand photographer active in the first several decades of the 20th century. An informative biography of him is here.

 A group of men, women and children sitting at a table 
for afternoon tea in the outdoors, 1880s-1910s
 A play group at a school in Sydenham, Christchurch, ca. 1900
 Cadillac motor car with unidentified passengers, 1920
 Clothing factory, Christchurch, 1908
[photo was mistakenly captioned as a "shoe store"]
 Family group with tennis rackets, ca. 1900
 Family posing in a Siddeley Deasy motor car, Christchurch, ca. 1915
 Groundsmen with a horse-drawn lawnmower at south end 
of quadrangle, Christ's College, Christchurch, ca. 1920
 Hay being forked onto cart after haymaking, 1880s-1920s
 Interior of a cycle shop, Christchurch, 1910
Maori family group with a maize crop, 1880s-1920s
Steffano Webb Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library


 A Lapp family, Norway
 Folgefond Glacier, Hardanger Fjord, Norway
 Hammersdorf, Hermannstadt, Hungary, Austro-Hungary
 Interlaken, highway and hotels, Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
 Interlaken, Music Pavillion, Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
 Lugano, on the quay, Tessin, Switzerland
Mostar, Turkish quarter, Herzegowina, Austro-Hungary
 Nasch Market, Vienna, Austro-Hungary
 Norwegian carriage
 Peasant wagon, Bosnia, Austro-Hungary
 Peasants dancing, Bosnia, Austro-Hungary
 The cathedral, Lucerne, Switzerland
 Hauptstrazze and market, Debreczin, Hungary, Austro-Hungary
 Women of Champéry, Alps of Valais, Switzerland
Zara, Erbe Square, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary

Lafayette Studio

 Kawneer Company bowling team, 1949
 Kentucky Central Life & Accident Insurance Company, banquet, 1945
 Kentucky Coach Company, fair tents, 1929
 Kentucky Houses of Reform, group on stage in costume, 1943
[it took several viewings to notice the unusual twist in the crossed legs]
 Kentucky Theatre, "Hell's Angels," three men sitting outside theater with signs, 1930
 Kentucky Theatre, awning and promotional car 
decorated for "Fayssoux the Hypnotist", 1932
 Kentucky Theatre, indoor golf course to promote "Follow Thru", 1930
 Kentucky Theatre, ushers, 1931
 Kentucky Utilities Company, office workers, 1942
 Kentucky Utilities Company, woman demonstrating wringer-type washing machine, 1943
 Kroger, people shopping in store, 1947
Kroger, people shopping in store, 1947

Joseph Pennell

 Miss Walker's School group, 1910
 People in costumes at Officers' barn dance, 1913
 Portrait of class in front of school, Junction City, Kansas, 1903
 Portrait of John Edward's girl with photographs, 1895
 Portrait of Nellie Jackson, 1898
[this looks like a really risque pose for 1898]
 Sam Ziegler with three women in his Studebaker;
Contestant at the Lyric Cup Run Race, 1909
 Soldiers of 7th Battery Glee Club sitting on beds 
playing guitars and mandolins, Fort Riley, 1906
 Soldiers reading in front of billiard table, Fort Riley, 1897
 Soldiers with shovels standing near wagon loaded with dirt, Fort Riley, 1903
Wetzig in REO Auto - The Official Lyric Cup Race Pathfinder, 1909

Vintage Finland

TVA - Knoxville

These are from a set by Barbara Wright, all labeled simply "TVA - Knoxville." They are dated 1941.

Harold Gear Paton

More photos of New Zealand troops in the Middle East during the recent unpleasantness (World War II).

 Game of soccer in progress in the Western Desert between a NZ Battery and an English Mediterranean Battery. The English won 4 - 0. November 1942
 Members of NZ Divisional Cavalry with children 
during a visit to villagers in the Syrian hills, 26 May 1942
 Members of the Maori Battalion in the last stages of 
their journey from Alamein, Egypt, to Tripoli, Libya, 8 February 1943
 Men of NZ Engineers who played important part in the NZ Division's move against Tripoli meet children of an Italian colonist at a village past Tahuna, Libya, January 1942
 New Zealand officer, identified as Lieutenant C Smith, doing 
his own washing on the Alamein front in Egypt, September 1942
 New Zealand trucks passing through Maadi, Egypt, during World War 2, 
at the end of the North African campaign, 10 June 1943

Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Charles Fenno Jacobs

 Southington, Connecticut. A one-room school, May 1942
 Southington, Connecticut. May 1942
 Southington, Connecticut. Southington school children 
staging a patriotic demonstration, May 1942
 Southington, Connecticut. Southington school children 
staging a patriotic demonstration, May 1942
 Southington, Connecticut. The family of Ralph Hurlbut. A Sunday dinner honoring Corporal Robert Hurlbut, twenty-one, home on his first furlough from the army, May 1942
Southington, Connecticut. The Memorial Day parade moving down the main street. The small number of spectators is accounted for by the fact that the town's war factories are in operation.

Leslie Jones

 Canoeists watch crew race in Worcester, 1932
 Cars and wagons clutter crowded Quincy Market, ca. 1925
 Cherry blossoms, Arnold Arboretum, 1929
 Coast Guard boats at East Boston waterfront, ca. 1930
 Commander Byrd's parade in Boston, 1930
 Contortionist woman
 Depression-era squatters shacks being bulldozed, 1937
 Family of thirteen in convertible, 1925
 FDR & Eleanor in auto, on way to Harvard commencement, 1938
 Girl sunbathing
 Girls camp in God's Country, probably New Hampshire, 1937
Hayride, ca. 1940

Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection

M. D. Elias

 A line of prisoners passing an armoured car after the Axis collapse in Tunisia, 20 May 1943
 Airplanes in formation fly past during parade of Allied forces in Tunis, Tunisia, 21 June 1943
 An American naval officer talking with General Dwight Eisenhower 
during a parade of Allied forces in Tunis, Tunisia, 21 June 1943
 Gunners relax playing cards in the shade of cactus trees in Tunisia, May 1943
 Indian troops digging gun pits during the landing exercises with NZ infantry troops, probably during 4 New Zealand Infantry Brigade combined exercises at Kabrit, Egypt, 5 September 1941
 New Zealand troops combine with the American Red Cross 
to distribute flour to the natives of Syria, 30 April 1942
 New Zealander identified as S Hunter meets an 
Arab soldier in Syria during World War II, 9 July 1942
 NZ soldiers in a bren carrier in Tunisia, 3 May 1943
 NZ soldiers on leave in Amman, Trans Jordan, looking at local merchandise, 16 April 1942
NZ soldiers trout fishing using rifles near the Syrian and Turkish border, 9 July 1942

Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Frederick Nelson Jones

 At Onekaka Creek, ca. 1910
 De Havilland DH9 biplane, 1921
 Grocery shop interior, ca. 1910
 Men standing in flood waters near a partially submerged car, ca. 1930
 Motorcycle racing in front of a crowd at a beach in Nelson, ca. 1925
 Nelson wharf scene, ca. 1920s
 Newman Brothers passenger vehicle, with postal bags attached, Nelson, ca. 1920s
 Pilot Thomas Newman, and others, alongside the first 
aircraft to land at Nelson, 11 November 1921
 Pupils sitting outside the Bishops's School, Nelson, ca. 1915
Retailers barrow parade, Hardy Street, Nelson, 4 August 1917. A barrow is 
decorated with American flags, marking the entry of the USA into World War I.

Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Adam MacLay

 Exterior view of a single-storied wooden house with an iron roof, 
showing a man, women, and children standing in front, ca. 1910
 Fashionably dressed foursome, ca. 1910
 Group including a hockey team and others, possibly students, 
probably by the Avon River, Christchurch, 1905-26
 Group of eight girls holding up hoops decorated with pom poms, ca. 1915
 Group of men, women and children outdoors, 1905-26
 Members of the Christchurch Elite Band, ca. 1900s
 Outdoors on dirt road with poplar trees behind, a girl riding a 
two wheeled sprung cart being pulled by a Shetland pony, 1905-26
 Rabbit hunters, ca. 1912
 Studio portrait of small girl with two British bulldogs, 1905-26
Two touring cars carrying adults and children in hats, one with chauffeur, 1905-26
Adam Maclay Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library

Nurse Training

These photos of nurses in training were taken by Fritz Henle for the War Information Office, in 1942.

 Nurse training. Fresh from college, twenty-year-old Susan Petty of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, arrives at the School of Nursing residence in New York City, which will be her home until she becomes an Army or Navy nurse. Because of her college degree, Susan will be required to spend only twenty-seven months here instead of the customary three years.
 Nurse training. "Occupational therapy" for the very young. Convalescence in children, as in adults, is hastened by the encouragement of interest in normal activities.
 Nurse training. A convalescing youngster gets lunch with a smile from a student nurse.
 Nurse training. A graduate nurse (right) watches student Susan Petty prepare a hypodermic for a patient. Strict adherence to doctors' orders is something every probationer must learn.
 Nurse training. A moment's pause in a full day, as graduate 
student nurses relax in the living room of the nurse's home.
 Nurse training. A nurse and the physical therapist negotiate something of a 
dispute over a picture book between two young patients in an orthopedic hospital.
 Nurse training. A nurse's aide and a student attend a convalescing patient.
 Nurse training. A student nurse (right) instructs a patient in the method 
of measuring her own insulin dose as a supervisor observes.
 Nurse training. Care of infants is included in all nurses training. This youngster is about to get an eye irrigation. Note that nurse wears goggles for self-protection from possible infection.
Nurse training. Given an hour's rest between rounds, Susan Petty, student nurse, is visited by her fellow nurses in her small but comfortable room in the School of Nursing resident hall.

Dick Whittington

 Old fashioned bathing suit scene, Southern California, 1936
[This must be for an ad. Whatever the context, it's hilarious]
 May Company circus, Southern California, 1930
 May Company circus, Southern California, 1930
 May Day ceremony, 1920s?
 May Day revel, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, 1931
 May Day revel, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, 1931
 May Day revel, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, 1931
 May Day revel, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, 1931
Models, Fashion show at Mayfair Hotel, Los Angeles, 1927


These are scenes from Italy.

 A court yard (Calle dell Angelo a San Martino), Venice, Italy
 A street, Venice, Italy
 Concert in St. Mark's Place, Venice, Italy
 Feeding Pigeons in St. Mark's Place, Venice, Italy
 Macaroni seller, Naples, Italy
 Procession in front of St. Mark's, Venice, Italy
 Procession over the Grand Canal, Venice, Italy
 St. Mark's Church and the clock, Venice, Italy
 Street near the Rialto, Venice, Italy
 Street with washerwomen, Naples, Italy
 The wharf, Naples, Italy
 Venice harbor and Palazzo dei Dogi, Venice, Italy
Via Roma, Naples, Italy

William Archer Price

Mr. Price was yet another New Zealand photographer.

A gang of men working on the main trunk line somewhere in the North Island, 
constructing the railway line through the bush, 1900-30
 Albert Park, Auckland, 1908-10
 Cars and carriages (and possibly a caravan) parked beside an area 
known as The Plantation at Bucklands Beach, ca. 1910
 Children in a dinghy on the tidal flat, Little Shoal Bay, Auckland, ca. 1910
 Childrens' fete at Lancaster Park, Christchurch, ca. 1910
 Man and a boy in a dinghy in a choppy sea 
near the water's edge at Herne Bay, ca. 1910
 Man on a horse-drawn thresher, ca. 1910
 View of adults and children walking and 
playing on Shelly Beach, Auckland, 1890-1910
 View of the wharf at Whitianga. The ferry is berthed and passengers are embarking, 1911
Young women gymnasts in a group pose

Louis Edward Nollau

Louis Edward Nollau was a professor of Engineering at the University of Kentucky. Apparently he was also an accomplished amateur photographer.

 "Lo 1936", Band and singer performing for studio audience, 1936
 4-H winners, Somerset, Kentucky, girls' quartet, first place award, 1926
 Entrance to the University of Kentucky with a car 
pulling students on a sled toward Frazee Hall, 1920
 Kentucky-grown apples
 May Day parade float, 1936
 May Queen, University of Kentucky, 1934
 Women on horseback, May Day, 1934
 Preserving eggs
 Senior Breakfast Alumni Tea, African-American servers 
in first row and yard workers on truck, 1934
 Warrior River flood, Alabama Great Southern, looking south from north end, 1916
[I consider this a top ten photo - one of the best]

George Frederick Kaye

 A G Trotter talks to three Italian children who have wandered 
into the middle of artillery positions near Sora, 1 June 1944
 R T Stewart hands some washing to two small Italian children who have 
found their way into artillery lines near Sora in Italy, 1 June 1944
[same three children as in the first picture]
[perhaps they're washing Mr. Trotter's shirt]
 A group of New Zealand soldiers and local women and children in the village behind the Italian Front where members of 2 New Zealand Division are resting, 6 January 1944
 A New Zealand gun crew on their way to the forward areas of the 
Sangro River sector of the Italian battlefront, 29 November 1943
 A New Zealand soldier gives a piece of chocolate to an aged civilian 
who has returned to the ruined Italian town of Orsogna, Italy, 16 June 1944
 A section of the Cassino Front, Italy, as seen by R F Dale 
waiting behind the sights of his anti aircraft gun, 15 March 1944
 A smoke screen being laid in Cassino, Italy, 
as the Allied attack proceeds, 18 May 1944
 A street photographer at Taranto, Italy, 
photographing Kiwis on leave, November 1943
 Allied infantry personnel move among the ruins of Cassino, Italy, 
shortly after the town fell to the Allies, 18 May 1944
An Allied anti aircraft crew keeps watch for enemy aircraft in the 
mountainous country in the forward areas of the Italian Front, 10 April 1944
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