These photos are from the University of Chicago Photographic Archive, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library. The coded numbers after the picture caption are identifiers from the collection (their inclusion is requested as a condition of use).
Nursery school [apf4-01679]
Nursery school, outdoor play [apf4-01689]
Nursery school, outdoor play [apf4-01693]
Peace Strike, 1933-34 [apf4-02513]
Phoenix House wake-up call. Volunteer Karen O’Brien waking up Ann McGown (top bunk)
and Jay Fettermann (bottom bunk) who had 8 AM classes. 1944 [apf4-02896]
Postman Charles Wade with students Karen O'Brien, Mary Elizabeth Speare,
Ann Nichols, and Barbara Van Deventer, 1944 [apf4-02895]
Soda Water caused all this. University of Chicago "Dry Night Club" where Jitterbugs
gather round as Marjorie Kuh and Harry Mendenhall swing out and start
a-peckin' at the dry nightspot on the Midway [apf4-01231]
Students on lawn, 1940-60 [apf4-03607]
Studying [apf4-02922]
University of Chicago Baseball Team in Japan, autumn 1910 [apf4-00142r]
Waiting for a taxi after the prom [apf4-01250]